
Live Life Quenched Bobbie King, Women’s Speaker and Writer Have you ever wondered what happened to the people whose lives Jesus changed while He walked through the Gospels? Demoniacs, Samaritan women, mothers, fathers, tax collectors and even thieves…their stories will draw others to the “Winds of Change!” Jesus stepped onto a stage in history that had been perfectly prepared. The Prince of Peace displayed his love and humility against the backdrop of Rome’s power and might. But have you ever wondered what it was like to live during this time in history? What was daily life like for the people who knew Jesus? Ordinary people whose lives He touched – people whose lives were changed forever? What happened to tortured demoniacs who became missionaries to their own countrymen….or to the Samaritan Woman who received living water and could not go back to her old life....Bobbie skillfully brings these characters and their time in history to life and you will be swept along on the Winds of Change that are sweeping over Galilee! Reader, you are about to step back in time so breathe deeply and inhale the life that is found in the Winds of Change! In the “Winds of Life” series, my first book, “The Winds of Change” are slowly wearing away the hope of many of God’s chosen people. The might of Rome is seeking to change the Jewish culture, but…a fresh wind of hope is stirring hearts in the Galilee….come, step back in time as characters from the Bible take on new life as you walk along the shores of Galilee through their eyes…. Currently I am working on an inspirational novel based on the life of the demoniac who was healed by Jesus (Mark 5:20). What a story this tortured man has to tell! Who was this man before he became demon possessed? What happened to bring his soul to this tortured point? How will his life change after meeting a man named Jesus? What will he do to spread the news of a life healed by the love of Jesus… in the mixed Jewish, Gentile Decapolis area and how would the the life changing gospel of Jesus be received? The story is seen through the eyes of a young Jewish woman, Hannah, whose family is caught up in the “Winds of Change.” As a a girl Bobbie visited her Grandparents farm and helped pull up buckets of well water on hot summer days….she cherishes the memory of the long handled dipper filled with cool refreshing life giving water. As an adult Bobbie learned that we also hunger and thirst to fill the spiritual emptiness in our souls with the love of Jesus Christ. Bobbie shares her heart to encourage women to come to the living waters and “Live Life Quenched.” Bobbie is a popular writer and Christian Speaker Visit our ministry at: www.LiveLifeQuenched.com, facebook, twitter, blog, e-mail us at bakc07@yahoo.com

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